Our Church Leadership

Our Church thrives because of the energy and style of the people who are a part of our leadership. Here are a few of the people that make our church community special:



Bethany Officers

   2024 Bethany Council Members 


 Long Range Planning and Stewardship Committees are now a responsibility of the Council as a whole. This is related to the updated Bethany Constitution Recently approved the Congregation.
 President - Mark Hansen

Vice President - Karl Katuin

Treasurer - Michaele Korbein

Secretary - Larry Thome



Discipleship (Formerly Evangelism) - Glenda Swinehart and Shane Gesler

Education - Deanna Smith

Property - Karl Katuin

Social Concerns - Christy Toelle and Inger Kirkwood

Worship - Larry Thome   2024 Bethany Council Members 




East Lemonweir Officers

Roger Nelson - President

Marlene Pelton - Financial Secretary

Connie Wolfgram - Secretary

Roger Pitcel - Treasurer


east officers 2015


East Lemonwier Members

Kathryn Pitcel

Roger Pitcel

Marlene Pelton

Jenifer Sarnow

Billie Sarnow

Connie Wolfgram



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