Prayers of Concern
Inger Kirkwood
Kalie Lingl Gietner
Henry & Margarete Hummelbeck
Kurt Lauden


Marilyn Wetley

Garry Olson

Yvonne Olson

Jacob Sorenson

Collette Schultz

Lynn Martin

Elwood Syverson

Dennis Stark


Fran Benson

Landon LaBerge

John Gromola

Kathy Haske

Jon Preston (Nephew in Law of Judy Zobal)

Tim & Barb Parker's Nephew serving in Guatemala

Prayers for those who have lost family and friends.

Prayers for those unable to attend worship.

Prays for those who serve our communities and country.

Prayers for God's World.


Please note the new ELCA Project included in your paper BEACON! 

The Lutheran World Relief is collecting BABY CARE KITS!

Donations accepted from Sunday, July 28 - October 27.

For more information, you may contact Christy Toelle or Judy Zobal.

Thank you!




September Celebrations





Christina Krotzman - 9

Daniel Swinehart -12

DeAnna Gollmar - 13

Cindy Costello - 14

Frank Zobal - 14

Patti Phillips -16

Dawn Van Meter - 17

Dennis Stark - 17

Kamden Reichoff -20

Morgan Reichhoff -28 


East Lemonweir




Diane Clark - 20

Marlene Pelton -28






Frank & Judy Zobal - 19

John & Rosie Halverson -20


 East Lemonweir
Roger & Dawn Nelson - 27
If your name is missing on the Birthday or Annniversay page or if you prefer not to be on the celebration list, please call the Church Office 608 562 3807 and let us know.
Thank you
 B I N G O
September 15th
 October 6th
Bethany Auction
Please have your new items or used items in excellent condition to the church by October 5th.
Thank you for donating and bidding.
Funds are earmarked for our In Reach and Out Reach Programs
East Lemonweir Council Report
July 21, 2024
Those present Roger Nelson, Jennifer Sarnow, Connie Wolfgram, Audrey Scholl, Marlene Pelton, and Kathryn Pitcel. The meeting started at 11:40 am.
Roger Nelson called the meeting to order. A motion to approve the Secretary's Report
 by Marlene, second by Kathryn; motion carried. Motion to approve the Treasurer's Report made by Audrey, second by Marlene, motion carried.
We are now insured by Rural Mutual Insurance Company.
Marlene reported on Wa Du Shuda days. Because of the storm we had to shut down early. We were able to return one package of cones and three tubs of ice cream.
Jennifer made a motion to adjourn, second by Kathryn; motion carried. We closed by praying the Lord's Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Wolftam
East Lemonweir Council Meeting Report
August 11, 2024
Those present were Pastor Lucy, Roger Nelson, Marlene Peloton, Margarete Hummelbeck, Audrey Scholl, Kathryn Pitcel, Jennifer Sarnow, Roger Pitcel and Connie Wolfgram. We began at 11:25 am.
Roger Nelson called the meeting to order and Pastor Lucy led us in prayer. A motion by Kathryn, second by Jennifer to approve the Secretary's Report; motion carried. A motion to approve the Treasurer's Report was made by Marlene, second by Audrey, Motion carried.
The cement  work will be starting this week. The $31,162 bid did not include the railings. T2 is the contracting company.
We pre-ordered propane from the Co-op. We have $1200 left and decided to order 2,000 gallons more. Motion by Marlene, second by Connie, motion carried.
Pastor Lucy reported Bethany will host worship September 1 with a lunch to follow. On September 8th all the youth from the National Youth Gathering will be at East Lemonweir.
The 170th Anniversary luncheon was discuss and legacy planning for the future. Pastor Lucy noted we could get help with planning from the Assistant to the Bishop who could come here to meet with us.
A motion to adjourn made by Jennifer, second by Connie; motion carried We closed by praying the Lord's Prayer. Ending time 12:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Wolfgram, Sec.
Bethany W-ELCA News
Mission Statement - To mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.
The annual salad luncheon and silent purse auction were a success. Thanks to everyone involved.
We enjoyed a good visit with our shut ins on August 12th. Fran asked us to greet everyone.
Upcoming events:
Tuesday, Sept 3rd - Rachel Circle meets at 4:00 in the conference room
Sunday, Sept 8th - Grandparents Day - don't forget your item(s) for the Baby Care Kits
Sunday, Sept 22nd - WELCA meets after church in the conference room.
A thought: Misery might love company, but so does joy. And joy throws much better parties. B.Ivey
*WELCA is accepting donation now through Sunday, Oct. 27th. If you have/had grandparents, are a grandparent or would like to be one please consider Grandparents Day, Sept 8th as day to donate something in appreciation of this special time.
*Any new or gently used items is appreciated and you may put them in the bassinet in the fellowship hall.
*Sizes between 6 and 24 months
* Items needed: t-shirts, gowns or sleepers, receiving blankets, cloth diapers, jacket/sweater/sweatshirt with hoods, socks, dark hand towel, bath-size gentle soap, diaper pins.

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