Prayers of Concern
Tommay Paulson (Vanessa Lucas)
Jordan McGuire & Oliver
Inger Kirkwood
Kalie Lingl Gietner
Marilyn Wetley
Garry Olson
Yvonne Olson
Jacob Sorenson
Lynn Martin
Elwood Syverson
Dennis Stark
Fran Benson
Landon LaBerge
John Gromola
Kathy Haske
Jon Preston (Nephew in Law of Judy Zobal)
Prayers for those who have lost family and friends.
Prayers for those unable to attend worship.
Prays for those who serve our communities and country.
Prayers for God's World.
Douglas Haske - 2
Tim Parker - 3
Karl Katuin - 7
Lisa Klinker - 11
Mary Gollmar - 12
Janene Lingl - 14
Lynn Benson - 16
Jordan Lucas - 17
Nick Wyss - 20
Brad Bever - 21
Al Rhea - 21
Lilley Wyss - 23
Barbara Parker - 24
Sheila Stark - 25
Anna Kirkwood - 27
Sonja Haske - 29
East Lemonweir
Donald Wetley - 4
Roger Onsager 16
Pat;ty Thompson
No Anniversaries this month.
If your name is missing on the Birthday or Annniversay page or if you prefer not to be on the celebration list, please call the Church Office 608 562 3807 and let us know.
Thank you
The Bethany Church Auction raised $552 for the Emergency Aid Fund. Thank you to all who donated items for the cause. thank you to all who participated in the fun and purchased treasures at the auction.
Congratulations to Bethany on accomplishing so much and spreading God's Love to others!
12 Baby Kits
154 Health Kits
135 Quilts plus the Quilters donated 1 to Sugar Creek, 1 to Mary Jansen (Farewell Gift), 1 to Landon LaBerge and 5 to the Food Pantry
East Lemonweir Council Report
Members attending were Pastor Lucy, Roger Nelson, Margarete Hummelbeck, Marlene Pelton, Audrey Scholl, Connie Wolfgram, Jennifer Sarnow, Kathryn Pitcel and Roger Pitcel.
Roger Called us to order and Pastor Lucy led us in devotions. A motion to approve the secretary's report was made by Audrey, second by Margarete, motion passed. A motion to approve the treasurer's report was made by Marlene, second by Margarete; motion passed.
The railings were not up to code, Tomah Welding is working on them. One piece of concrete is cracked, and it will be fixed.
Marlene will order 5 or 6 yards of black dirt.
A motion by Roger Pitcel, second by Margarete to move the money from the prime rib dinner to the Faith Circle account. Motion carried.
There will be a worship service at Grace Lutheran the day before Thanksgiving. Advent services will be held at Bethany December 4, 11 , and 18th.
October 27th is Reformation Sunday -- WEAR RED.
A motion to adjourn was made by Roger P, second by Marlene; motion carried.
We heard a presentation on the congregational Legacy Planning.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Wolfgram, Sec.
Bethany Budget
Bethany Budget $9,960.28
Offerings+Other Income $16,205.87 YTD $123,736.22*
Expenses $12,867.60 YTD $125,467.34**
*Includes East Lemonweir's reimbursement
**Include yearly insurance expenses
WELCA News - Bethany
Mission Statement - To mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.
Our Thankoffering Service this year is on Sunday November 24th, during our regular church service.
What is a Thankoffering Service and why do we observe it?
Women of the Lutheran Church have been gathering in the setting of Thankoffering since the early 1900s. It is a traditon grounded in our celebration of community. We come together as faithful women joyfully giving thanks and praise for what God has given us. Our Thankofferings support the total outreach of the ELCA including congregational and global ministries and specific programs of the women's organization.
Thanks to those who helped with the luncheon for the family of Marlene Fish. We want to keep them in our prayers and may Marlene rest in peace.
Much appreciation to everyone who helped with the Baby Care Kits. We assembled 12 of them which means among other thing 48 cloth diapers.