Prayers of Concern
Inger Kirkwood
Kalie Lingl Gietner
Henry & Margarete Hummelbeck

Marilyn Wetley

Garry Olson

Yvonne Olson

Jacob Sorenson

Collette Schultz

Lynn Martin

Elwood Syverson

Dennis Stark


Fran Benson

Landon LaBerge

John Gromola

Kathy Haske

Jon Preston (Nephew in Law of Judy Zobal)

Tim & Barb Parker's Nephew serving in Guatemala

Prayers for those who have lost family and friends.

Prayers for those unable to attend worship.

Prays for those who serve our communities and country.

Prayers for God's World.


Please note the new ELCA Project included in your paper BEACON! 

The Lutheran World Relief is collecting BABY CARE KITS!

Donations accepted from Sunday, July 28 - October 27.

For more information, you may contact Christy Toelle or Judy Zobal.

Thank you!





2024 Oct Beacon 1

2024 Oct Beacon 2


2024 Oct Beacon 3


2024 October Beacon 4


2024 October Family Care 1 2024 October Family care 2




October Celebrations




1 - Carmen H

3 - Brantley W

7 - Susan P

9 - Collette S

18 - Galen L

24 - Christopher F

24 - Angela K


East Lemonweir


 12 - Toni S

13 - Lynn O




4 - Ross & Angela K

8 - Don & Sue P

20 - Mark & Debby H

29 - Douglas & Sonja H


 East Lemonweir
2 - Roger & Julie O
If your name is missing on the Birthday or Annniversay page or if you prefer not to be on the celebration list, please call the Church Office 608 562 3807 and let us know.
Thank you
 October 6th
Bethany Auction
Please have your new items or used items in excellent condition to the church by October 5th.
Thank you for donating and bidding.
Funds are earmarked for our In Reach and Out Reach Programs
November 9th
Saturday 10:30 am - 1:30 pm
East Lemonweir's Bake Sale & More
(Norwegian Pastries for sale too)
Lunch $ 9 (Adults) $ 3 (under 12)
Handicapped Accessible
East Lemonweir Council Report
September 15, 2024
Members present: Roger Pitcel, Audrey Scholl, Jennifer Sarnow, Marlene Pelton, Margarete Hummelbeck, Kathryn Pitcel, and Connie Wolfgram. We began at 12:00.
Roger P called the meeting to order. Pastor Lucy led us in prayer. A motion to approve the Secretary's Report made by Kathryn, second by Marlene; motion carried. A motion to approve the Treasurer's Report was made by Jennifer, second by Connie; motion carried.
Pastor Lucy noted we will have October's Council meeting on October 20th. It is the third Sunday and Pastor Dione will be with us. We will have a luncheon after Church.
Marlene noted some repairs to siding and reroofing the church. She has sent a thank you to Bethany for their hospitality.
Motion to adjourn by Marlene, second by Roger P.; motion carried. We adjourned at 12:20.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Wolfgram, sec.
Bethany Budget
Bethany Budget                 $9,960.28
July + August
Offerings+Other Income     $20,359.24      Aug 30 YTD     $107,530.35*
July + August
Expenses                            $28,176.39     Aug 30 YTD      $112,599.74**
*Includes East Lemonweir's reimbursement
**Include yearly insurance expenses 
September 2024 Bethany Council Meeting Minutes
2024 Sept Council 1
2024 Sept Council 2
2024 Sept Council 3
2024 Sept Council 4
Bethany W-ELCA News
Mission Statement - To mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.
Thanks to those who helped with the luncheon for the Tom Steele Family. May we keep them in our prayers and may Tom rest in pease.
WELCA along with East Lemonweir ladies are participating in Cookies on Campus sponsored by our synod's ELCA campus ministry. They distribute cookies to UWL students each Wednesday. Our share is 30 dozen. Please sign up in the fellowship hall to help with this outreach project. Please make a note on cookies if they contain allergens such as peanuts/nuts. Cookies need to be at church by Tues. a.m. Oct. 8th.
Another opportunity to bake is for the NL school's PTC (Parents and Teachers for Children).. We've been asked to provide cookies/bars as part of the evening meal being provided for the teachers during Parent-Teacher conferences on Thurs., Oct. 17th. We need one more pan of bars or cookies.
Lefse fun with ladies from East Lemonweir Thurs., Nov 7th @ 8:45 am at East. Join them to learn how to make lefse or bring your lefse skills.
Loony Lutherans at CAL Center in Reedsburg, Sunday, March 23, at 2:00. There is a plan for the ladies of Bethany to attend as a group. Consider this and contact Judy Zobal for more info. 
Requesting ideas/suggestions for the upcoming year in an effort to become stronger together and be fulfilled to stay true to why WELCA exists.
Upcoming Events: *WELCA Fall Renewal Sat. Oct 19th, 8:30-3:00 St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran, Prairie du Chien, * Gall Women's Retreat at Sugar Creek, Fri-Sun, Oct. 18-20 cost $120.
A thought: Download your worries and get online with God.
*WELCA is accepting donation now through Sunday, Oct. 27th. If you have/had grandparents, are a grandparent or would like to be one please consider Grandparents Day, Sept 8th as day to donate something in appreciation of this special time.
*Any new or gently used items is appreciated and you may put them in the bassinet in the fellowship hall.
*Sizes between 6 and 24 months
* Items needed: t-shirts, gowns or sleepers, receiving blankets, cloth diapers, jacket/sweater/sweatshirt with hoods, socks, dark hand towel, bath-size gentle soap, diaper pins.

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